::: 首頁 字級設定:
        Explanatory Note
        I. Land
        II. Population
        III. Administrative Organization
        IV. Agriculture
        V. Industry
        VI. Finance and Monetary Affairs
        VII. Transportation
        VIII. Education and Culture
        IX. Health
        X. Environmental Protection
        XI. Social Welfare
        XII. Labor Administration
        XIII. Social Security
        XIV. Family
        XV. Other

  12-1 勞資爭議案件   拾貳、勞工行政  
  12-1 Cases of Industrial Disputes
  12-2 勞工團體概況   拾貳、勞工行政  
  12-2 General Situation of Labor Unions
  12-3 事業單位團體協約及勞資會議概況   拾貳、勞工行政  
  12-3 Status of Collective Agreement and Labor-management Committees of Enterprises
  12-4 勞工服務中心服務概況   拾貳、勞工行政  
  12-4 Counseling Service by Worker Consultation Service Centers
  12-5 勞工教育及志願服務概況   拾貳、勞工行政  
  12-5 Labor Education and Volunteer Services Status
  12-6 職工福利概況   拾貳、勞工行政  
  12-6 Welfare Units and Beneficiaries of Employee
  12-7 勞工保險各類投保單位數及人數   拾貳、勞工行政  
  12-7 No. of Insured Units and People under Labor Insurance by Various Insured People
  12-8 移工概況   拾貳、勞工行政  
  12-8 Foreign Workers Status
  12-9 人力資源調查重要結果指標   拾貳、勞工行政  
  12-9 Important Indicators Based on Manpower Survey Results
  12-10 勞動力之年齡分配   拾貳、勞工行政  
  12-10 Labor Force by Age Group
  12-11 就業者之行業   拾貳、勞工行政  
  12-11 Employed Persons by Industry
  12-12 就業者之職業   拾貳、勞工行政  
  12-12 Employed Persons by Occupation
  12-13 就業者之教育程度   拾貳、勞工行政  
  12-13 Employed Persons by Educational Attainment
  12-14 就業者之年齡分配   拾貳、勞工行政  
  12-14 Employed Persons by Age Group
  12-15 失業者之教育程度   拾貳、勞工行政  
  12-15 Unemployed Persons by Educational Attainment
  12-16 失業者之年齡分配   拾貳、勞工行政  
  12-16 Unemployed Persons by Age Group
  12-17 經指定填報職業災害統計之事業單位概況   拾貳、勞工行政  
  12-17 General Condition of the Designated Industries Compile Reports and Statistics on Occupational Accidents