::: 首頁 字級設定:
        Explanatory Note
        I. Land
        II. Population
        III. Administrative Organization
        IV. Agriculture
        V. Industry
        VI. Finance and Monetary Affairs
        VII. Transportation
        VIII. Education and Culture
        IX. Health
        X. Environmental Protection
        XI. Social Welfare
        XII. Labor Administration
        XIII. Social Security
        XIV. Family
        XV. Other

  13-1 刑事案件   拾參、社會治安  
  13-1 Criminal Cases
  13-2 違反社會秩序維護法案件   拾參、社會治安  
  13-2 Violation of the Law for Maintaining Social Order
  13-3 經濟案件   拾參、社會治安  
  13-3 Economic Fraud
  13-4 道路交通事故原因及傷亡人數   拾參、社會治安  
  13-4 Causes and Casualties of Road Traffic Accidents
  13-5 消防人力及裝備   拾參、社會治安  
  13-5 Fire Fighters and Facilities
  13-6 火災起火原因及損失情形   拾參、社會治安  
  13-6 Causes and Losses of Fire Disasters
  13-7 辦理調解業務概況   拾參、社會治安  
  13-7 Cases of Mediation