::: 首頁 字級設定:
        Explanatory Note
        I. Land
        II. Population
        III. Administrative Organization
        IV. Agriculture
        V. Industry
        VI. Finance and Monetary Affairs
        VII. Transportation
        VIII. Education and Culture
        IX. Health
        X. Environmental Protection
        XI. Social Welfare
        XII. Labor Administration
        XIII. Social Security
        XIV. Family
        XV. Other

  2-1 現住戶數、人口密度及性比例   貳、人口  
  2-1 Resident Households, Population Density and Sex Ratio
  2-2 戶籍動態   貳、人口  
  2-2 Household Registration Movement
  2-3 現住人口之年齡分配   貳、人口  
  2-3 Resident Population by Age Group
  2-4 現住人口之年齡結構   貳、人口  
  2-4 Resident Population by Age Structure
  2-5 15歲以上現住人口之教育程度-按年齡別分   貳、人口  
  2-5 Educational Attainments of Resident Population Aged 15 and Over by Age Group
  2-6 15歲以上現住人口之教育程度-按鄉鎮市區別分   貳、人口  
  2-6 Educational Attainments of Resident Population Aged 15 and Over by Townships, Cities & Districts
  2-7 現住人口之婚姻狀況-按年齡別分   貳、人口  
  2-7 Marital Status of Resident Population by Age Group
  2-8 現住人口之婚姻狀況-按鄉鎮市區別分   貳、人口  
  2-8 Marital Status of Resident Population by Townships, Cities & Districts
  2-9 現住原住民戶口數   貳、人口  
  2-9 Households and Persons of Resident Indigene
  2-10 現住原住民年齡分配   貳、人口  
  2-10 Resident Indigene by Age Group
  2-11 15歲以上現住原住民教育程度   貳、人口  
  2-11 Educational Attainments of Resident Indigene Aged 15 and Over
  2-12 現住原住民婚姻狀況   貳、人口  
  2-12 Marital Status of Resident Indigene