3-1 金門縣政府行政組織系統
3-1 Administration System of Kinmen County Government
3-2 本縣各級機關學校正式預算員額
3-2 Official Staff of All Agencies and Schools of County
3-3 本縣各級機關學校員工總人數
3-3 Number of Staff and Worker of All Organizations and Schools of County
3-4 本縣各級機關學校公教人員按官等別分
3-4 Number of Civil Servants and Teachers of All Organizations and Schools of County by Rank
3-5 本縣各級機關學校公教人員按教育程度分
3-5 Number of Civil Servants and Teachers of All Organizations and Schools of County by Educational Attainments
3-6 本縣各級機關學校公教人員按年齡分
3-6 Number of Civil Servants and Teachers of All Organizations and Schools of County by Age Group
3-7 區域立法委員選舉概況
3-7 Election Situations of Regional Legislators
3-8 縣長選舉概況
3-8 Election Situations of County Magistrate
3-9 縣議員選舉概況
3-9 Election Situations of County Councilors
3-10 鄉鎮市民代表選舉概況
3-10 Election Situations of Township Assembly
3-11 鄉鎮市長選舉概況
3-11 Election Situations of Township Chief