::: 首頁 字級設定:
        Explanatory Note
        I. Land
        II. Population
        III. Administrative Organization
        IV. Agriculture
        V. Industry
        VI. Finance and Monetary Affairs
        VII. Transportation
        VIII. Education and Culture
        IX. Health
        X. Environmental Protection
        XI. Social Welfare
        XII. Labor Administration
        XIII. Social Security
        XIV. Family
        XV. Other

  3-1 金門縣政府行政組織系統   參、行政組織  
  3-1 Administration System of Kinmen County Government
  3-2 本縣各級機關學校正式預算員額   參、行政組織  
  3-2 Official Staff of All Agencies and Schools of County
  3-3 本縣各級機關學校員工總人數   參、行政組織  
  3-3 Number of Staff and Worker of All Organizations and Schools of County
  3-4 本縣各級機關學校公教人員按官等別分   參、行政組織  
  3-4 Number of Civil Servants and Teachers of All Organizations and Schools of County by Rank
  3-5 本縣各級機關學校公教人員按教育程度分   參、行政組織  
  3-5 Number of Civil Servants and Teachers of All Organizations and Schools of County by Educational Attainments
  3-6 本縣各級機關學校公教人員按年齡分   參、行政組織  
  3-6 Number of Civil Servants and Teachers of All Organizations and Schools of County by Age Group
  3-7 區域立法委員選舉概況   參、行政組織  
  3-7 Election Situations of Regional Legislators
  3-8 縣長選舉概況   參、行政組織  
  3-8 Election Situations of County Magistrate
  3-9 縣議員選舉概況   參、行政組織  
  3-9 Election Situations of County Councilors
  3-10 鄉鎮市民代表選舉概況   參、行政組織  
  3-10 Election Situations of Township Assembly
  3-11 鄉鎮市長選舉概況   參、行政組織  
  3-11 Election Situations of Township Chief