::: 首頁 字級設定:
        Explanatory Note
        I. Land
        II. Population
        III. Administrative Organization
        IV. Agriculture
        V. Industry
        VI. Finance and Monetary Affairs
        VII. Transportation
        VIII. Education and Culture
        IX. Health
        X. Environmental Protection
        XI. Social Welfare
        XII. Labor Administration
        XIII. Social Security
        XIV. Family
        XV. Other

  4-1 耕地面積   肆、農、林、漁、牧  
  4-1 Cultivated Land Area
  4-2 農牧戶概況—按可耕作地所有權屬分   肆、農、林、漁、牧  
   4-2 Situations of Farm Families by Ownership of Cultivated Land
  4-3 稻米收穫面積及生產量   肆、農、林、漁、牧  
  4-3 Harvested Area and Production of Rice
  4-4 農產品收穫面積及生產量   肆、農、林、漁、牧  
  4-4 Harvested Area and Production of Farm Products
  4-5 造林面積及數量   肆、農、林、漁、牧  
  4-5 Area and Quantity of Forestation
  4-6 森林主產物採伐面積及生產量   肆、農、林、漁、牧  
  4-6 Felling and Production of the Forest Main-products
  4-7 森林災害   肆、農、林、漁、牧  
  4-7 Forest Damage
  4-8 漁業從業人員   肆、農、林、漁、牧  
  4-8 Fisheries Workers
  4-9 漁戶數及漁戶人口數   肆、農、林、漁、牧  
  4-9 Fishermen Household and Population
  4-10 現有動力漁船數   肆、農、林、漁、牧  
  4-10 Number of Current Fishing Vessels
  4-11 漁業生產量值   肆、農、林、漁、牧  
  4-11 Fishery Production
  4-12 水產養殖面積   肆、農、林、漁、牧  
  4-12 Aquacultural Area
  4-13 遭難漁船數   肆、農、林、漁、牧  
  4-13 Number of Vessels in Distress
  4-14 遭難漁民數   肆、農、林、漁、牧  
  4-14 Number of Shipwrecked Fishermen
  4-15 現有家畜數   肆、農、林、漁、牧  
  4-15 Number of Current Livestock
  4-16 家畜屠宰頭數   肆、農、林、漁、牧  
  4-16 Number of Livestock Slaughtered
  4-17 產乳牛頭數及產乳量   肆、農、林、漁、牧  
  4-17 Number of Milking Cows and Milk Quantity
  4-18 現有家禽數量   肆、農、林、漁、牧  
  4-18 Number of Current Poultry
  4-19 水土保持處理面積   肆、農、林、漁、牧  
  4-19 The Treated Area of Soil and Water Conservation
  4-20 農路改善及維護工程   肆、農、林、漁、牧  
  4-20 Farm Roads Improvement and Maintenance Works
  4-21 灌溉排水受益地面積   肆、農、林、漁、牧  
  4-21 Irrigation and Drainage Area of Irrigation Associations